Kodak Camera Ad 1958


Kodak Camera Ad from July 1958 Holiday.

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Kodak Camera Ad 1958Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that tells us all about the Kodak Retina Reflex Camera. At the top of the ad there is a picture that shows this camera sitting on a table with photographs and brochures and a view of a building on the river. The headline says the “Master of every picture situation…the new Kodak Retina Reflex Camera. It then says “…has professional full-area ground-glass focusing plus clear split-image range-finding. You’ll wear this brilliant new camera proudly…anywhere. If you are one of the fortunate people who buys a new Kodak Retina Reflex Camera this year, you will gain more than a supremely fine picture-taking instrument. You will have the satisfaction of choosing a classic – at its introduction. You will own a personal share in the world-renowned Retina tradition. This is the finest of all the modern 35mm pentaprism reflexes – built to make you the master of every picture situation. Its photoelectric exposure meter is ultra-sensitive. Automatic diaphragm closes down to preset aperture when shutter is tripped, with all lenses. Shutter speeds, 1 to 1/500 second, flash-synchronized. Interchangeable lens compartments are wide-angle 35mm Curtar f/4 $77.50, telephoto 80mm Longar f/4 $80.00. No auxiliary finder needed”.

Source:  July 1958 Holiday.