Kentucky Fried Chicken Ad 1966


Kentucky Fried Chicken Ad from October 21, 1966 Life magazine & November 1, 1966 Look magazine.

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Kentucky Fried Chicken Ad 1966Black and white 9″ x 13″ ad has a photo of the white-haired, white-suited Colonel Harland Sanders standing with a bucket of chicken in his hands and his cane over his forearm. The ad headline asks you to “Meet the World’s No. 1 Chicken Salesman” and the ad claims that they make over a million Kentucky Fried Chicken dinners every single day and that there more than 1,000 locations to pick yours up from. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  October 21, 1966 Life magazine & November 1, 1966 Look magazine.