Kellogg’s Ad July 1959


Kellogg’s Ad from July 6, 1959 Life magazine.

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Kellogg’s Ad July 1959Full color 9 1/2″ x 14″ ad for their Rice Krispies cereal. The ad has a picture looking down on a bowl filled with Rice Krispies and milk with a few sliced strawberries for extra taste. The headline claims that this is the “Nourishment that talks” and refers to it as “just a happy accident that makes breakfast a little lighter, gayer”. More important though is that “these tender toasted morsels are up to their ears in the old-fashioned nourishment or whole grain rice everybody thrives on”. The drawing in the lower right-hand corner shows SnapCrackle and Pop being directed in their noisemaking by Woodie Woodpecker.

Source:  July 6, 1959 Life magazine.