Jeep Trucks Ad 1948


Jeep Trucks Ad from January 1948 Farm Journal.

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Jeep Trucks – Three color 7 1/2″ x 10 3/4″ ad that states that Jeep Trucks are engineered to Cut Hauling Costs”. The ad starts off by saying that “2 and 4-Wheel Drive Jeep trucks are Willys-Overland’s answer to your need for lower hauling costs. Every feature is engineered to contribute to efficient operation, long life and pared down expenses”“The Jeep engine” will give you an engine that will create economy on gas and oil, for endurance and low-cost maintenance. “Functional bodies” that are built to stand hard use, individual parts that stand up. “The sturdy construction” that you would expect from the maker of the “war-tested” Jeep. These vehicles are all-truck.

Source:  January 1948 Farm Journal.