Ivory Soap Ad 1937


Ivory Soap Ad from March 1937 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Ivory Soap Ad 1937Full color 7 1/2″ x 11 1/2″ ad that discusses both their 99 44/100% Pure Hand Soap and their Ivory Flakes Laundry Soap. There is a five-frame cartoon that tells a story for each product. In the first ad two sisters are together and the one offers to bathe the baby of the other. The child starts to cry and his mother notices how rough her sister’s hands are. She claims it is due to the rough dishwashing soap she uses and the other lady questions why she doesn’t use Ivory Soap to wash her dishes since it does a great job on that and softens your skin too. The lady with the rough hands is worried that she cannot afford such an expensive soap but she is told that it is actually cheaper than regular dishwashing soap. The other ad shows two sisters preparing for a visit from a rich aunt by planning on wearing the lounging pajamas that she bought for them. The one sister brings hers out, bright as new, as the other one finds hers having been washed by the cleaning lady. The one done with Ivory Flakes look much better than the one done with the bath towels in a general detergent. The sister with the faded pajamas is relegated to having to fake an illness, miss a night at the theatre and disappoint the lady with all the money.

Source:  March 1937 Better Homes & Gardens.