Ivory Snow Ad 1953


Ivory Snow Ad from April 1953 Woman’s Home Companion.

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Ivory Snow Ad 1953Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Granulated Laundry Soap. The headline calls it “For Everything you wash with Special Care…by Hand or Machine. Ivory Snow – Safest Possible Soap” and there are three pictures that show how true that statement really is. A picture of a mother folding a blanket has a caption saying “For nice things you wash by machine”, a picture of a happy baby playing with a Jack-In-A-Box has a caption saying “…for diapers and baby things” and a picture of a lady checking the nylons she has just hand washed has a caption that says “for lovely hand washables”. The text wraps it up by saying there is “No other soap like it”.

Source:  April 1953 Woman’s Home Companion.