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Inside Wrestling 1992 April


Inside Wrestling 1992 April


Contents:  Sincerely Yours (Alter Ego; Double-Standard; Flair’s Flair.), Sak’s Notebook (The one sports record that will never be broken.), Names Makin’ News (All the latest news as of press time.), On The Road (Peters relinquishes “the road” to a rookie reporter.), Behind The Dressing Room Door (“Rowdy” Roddy Piper goes back to his PNW roots.), The Insider (The “Stinger” stuns them at Starrcade.), On Assignment (Meeting a man with a unique perspective on wrestling.), Where Are They Now? (Updates on four major mat stars.), Capsule Profile #189 (A mini-biography plus pinup of Koko B. Ware.), News From The Wrestling Capitals (Eyewitness coverage of the month’s major matches.), Matt Brock’s Plain Speaking (Hot Feuds, PNW blues, Starrcade views.), The Patriot: “I Don’t Fear My Dark Side” (The GWF’s top champion is ready to prove that his colors don’t run.), Justin Liger vs. Brian Pillman: They Maintain The Laws of Wrestling – But Defy The Laws of Gravity (These tow acrobatic stars have turned WCW upside down.), Madman or Genius? Inside The Mind of Jake “The Snake” )Is Roberts headed for another nervous breakdown, or the WWF world title.), The Steiners’ Warning To WCW Fan Favorites: If The Dangerous Alliance Scares You, Get Out Now” (Cowards need not apply in the war against the rulebreakers.), Rick Steamboat: “Rick Rude Is Everything a Man Shouldn’t Be” (“The Dragon” breathes fire in a controversial “Hotseat”.), From “Hitman” To The Man: Bret Hart Is The WWF’s Only True Champion (The Intercontinental titlist is the WWF’s stabilizing force.), One On One (Eric Embry vs Tom Prichard.), Official Wrestling Ratings (Top 15 rankings in seven important categories.), Inside Wrestling Roll Call Of Champions (The most comprehensive championship directory available anywhere.), Blast From The Past (This month in wrestling history.


Condition:  Very Good