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Inside Wrestling 1991 September


Inside Wrestling 1991 September


Contents:  Sincerely Yours (Slamming the Sarge; Nasty enough; Was funk junked.), Saks’ Notebook (What makes wrestling great?), Names Making News (All the latest news as of press time.), On The Road (The surprising plight of The Berserker.), Behind The Dressing Door (Actions and reactions to mat happenings.), The Insider (Sid Vicious comes of age.), On Assignment (Some perceptions die hard.), Where Are They Now? (Updates on four major mat stars.), Capsule Profile #182 (A mini-biography plus pinup of Nikita Koloff.), News From The Wrestling Capitals (Eyewitness coverage of the month’s major matches.), Matt Brock’s Plain Speaking (Flair’s the champ; Cassidy’s title’s useless; Steamboat’s a shame.), In Order To Prove His Worth…Steve Ray Throws Himself to the Lions! (“Wild Thing” went to great lengths to make a point.), Rick Doesn’t Mean to be Rude, But…”If You’re a Manager, Keep the Hell Away! (“Ravishing” Rick is on his own – and loving it!), Sid’s in the WWE…and Hogan’s in the Biggest Trouble of His Life! (This could be the most significant WWE debut in years.), Warning: The Diamond Exchange is The Second Coming of the Four Horsemen (Page, Dink, the Freebirds and the Stud spell trouble.), Missy Hyatt: “I’m More of a Man than Paul E. Will Ever Be” (The blonde bombshell speaks out in a revealing “Hotseat” interview.), Battle Royal Scandal! The WWE’s Perfect Scheme to Protect Curt Hennig (He won’t lose the I-C belt facing exhausted opponents.), One on One (Robert Morton vs. Robert Gibson.), Official Wrestling Ratings (Top 15 rankings in six important categories.), Inside Wrestling Roll Call of Champions (The most comprehensive championship directory available anywhere.), Blast From the Past (This month in wrestling history.)


Condition:  Very Good