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Hupmobile Ad 1925


Hupmobile Ad from May 1925 The American Boy.


Hupmobile Ad 19251925 Hupmobile – Black and white 7 1/4″ x 13″ ad for their Fours and Eights. The ad has a picture of a Hupmobile 4-Cylinder Club Sedan and a Hupmobile 8-Cylinder Coupe, majestic in their dark colors. The ad has two headlines, one says “8-Cylinder Performance That Stands Alone” and the other claims that “For 16 Years, Notable for Its Reliability”. The first headline introduces some text that talks about the performance of their 8-Cylinder cars using terms like “smooth and symmetrical”“lightning speed” and “It seems to obey your very thoughts on the instant. The other headline introduces the discussion of the reliability of the Hupmobile 4. It talks about the number of corporations that supply their salesmen with this car due to its low cost of upkeep and calls it “a car of great in-built strength and stamina”. This ad is taller than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  May 1925 The American Boy.