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Hunt’s Ad October 1952


Hunt’s Ad from October 13, 1952 Life magazine.

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Hunt's Ad October 1952Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their canned Peaches and different ways you can work them into your meals. The headline calls them Hunt’s Heavenly Peaches at down-to-earth prices!” and says that they will be an “Eye-opener for Breakfast” and a “Mouth-Waterer for Dinner”. For breakfast they suggest a bowl of chilled peaches and the picture shows milk being poured over them. For dinner they offer a Peach Pie, pictured is one sitting on the table with a generous slice already taken out of it. The ad includes a recipe for Heavenly Peach Pie and urges you to buy Hunt – for the best.”

Source:  October 13, 1952 Life magazine.