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Hunt’s Ad – 1964 July


Hunt’s Ad from July 24, 1964 Life magazine.

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Hunt's Ad 1964 - JulyFull color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad with a picture, on the right side of a bunch of ripened tomatoes surrounding an unopened bottle of Hunt’s Tomato Catsup and, on the left, is an unusual looking red tomato, all by itself. The headline asks the question “What’s this little pear-shaped tomato doing here with all these big round ones?” Well, the text tells us that “He adds body to the taste of catsup. He makes sure your catsup doesn’t ever turn out to be the thin, watery, runny kind. When you get Hunt’s, you get catsup that pours out easy, yet is thick enough to feel like catsup. Catsup with gumption. Hunt’s puts little pear-shaped Italian tomatoes in with the big round kind. Then Hunt’s adds seven spices. Not 6. Not 5. Not 4. Not 3. Not 2. But seven spices to stir up the flavor. It’s Hunt’s…for catsup with the Big Tomato Taste”.

Source:  July 24, 1964 Life magazine.