Hudson Ad 1937


Hudson Ad from March 1937 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Hudson Ad 1937Hudsons & Terraplanes – Black and white 7 3/4″ x 12″ ad for how easy and comfortable driving will be if you do it in a New Hudson or Terraplane. There is a large picture of a lady sitting on the bench seat of her new car actually having to reach her legs out for the pedals. The headline says this car will give the occupants “Living Room Comfort Transplanted” and there is another, smaller picture of this same lady sitting in her living room with two of her friends on the davenport. The lady reaches her arm out and declares that “The front seat of my car is almost as wide as this davenport, and the front floor is as clear of levers as this floor, right here!”. The text urges you to “try this New Way To Drive” and talks about the Selective Automatic Shift. It explains that “you just flick a finger up at the steering wheel…lift your toe from the accelerator pedal! That’s all…gears shift themselves!”. In the large picture that shows the front seat room you can see the lady driver touching the rotary shifter on the steering column in order to change the gear she is in. The text also claims these are “America’s No. 1 Cars” and mentions being “No. 1 in size” with more length, “No. 1 in Power” with 96 horsepower in the Terraplane and 122 horsepower in the Hudson Eight. and “No. 1, too, in performance and endurance”.

Source:  March 1937 Better Homes & Gardens.