Horizon Magazine 1977 December


Horizon Magazine 1977 December

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Contents:  Totally Freaked Out on Music (Andre Watts is just beginning his creative search.), “We Get You to Places You Can’t Get To” )The special effects wizards of film.), Under a Western Sky (Georgia O’Keeffee, direct and vigorous.), An Essay on the Unfairness of Life (Reverse discrimination, abortion and the law.), Seven Great Wines (From California, some rivals to Europe’s better vintages.), Something Borrowed, Something New (Postmodernist architecture and its lively practitioners.), Photorealism in a Medieval Medium, Communism With Little Face (A thoughtful analysis of Eurocommunism.), Take Me Out to the Scoreboard (High technology on the outfield fence.), A Contemporary Look at Kafka, Cavorting in the Cellar (Gustatory thrills in Macy’s basement.), Very Ready for Laughs (Saturday Night Live in its third season.), The Collection of Kings (Televising the incredible treasures of the British crown.), Plus CA Change

Issue:  December 1977

Condition:  Very Good