Honda Motorcycle Ad May 1984


Honda Motorcycle Ad from May 1984 Cycle World.

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Full color 15″ x 10 1/2″ two-page ad for this powerful dual-purpose motorcycle. The ad has a picture of a man riding a Red Honda XL600R away from the camera along a trail that is littered with fallen rocks. The ad headline proclaims “The Honda XL600R. Winner by a Landslide”. The ad mentions that what was hailed the previous year as “one of the best bikes of all time” now has a running mate, the XL350R. There is a smaller picture of this bike and the ad talks about some of the worthy features that both of these bikes share.  1984 Honda XL600R

Source:  May 1984 Cycle World.

Honda Motorcycle Ad May 1984Honda Motorcycle Ad May 1984 1