Honda Motorcycle Ad March 1963


Honda Motorcycle Ad from March 15, 1963 Life magazine & April 23, 1963 Look magazine.

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Honda Motorcycle Ad March 1963Black and white 9 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ ad for the new dimension that a Honda 50 brings to the package. The ad has a photo of a family of three, riding a pair of Honda 50’s, pulling away from their two car garage, while the car stays behind. The ad headline tells us this ad will explain “Why the automobile is here to stay” (in the garage) and it talks about being “versatile”, about how it is designed for the “fun-minded” and how it gets “up to 225 miles per gallon” while the price starts at $245.  1963 Honda 50

Source:  March 15, 1963 Life magazine & April 23, 1963 Look magazine.