Honda Motorcycle Ad April 1963


Honda Motorcycle Ad from April 26, 1963 Life magazine.

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Honda Motorcycle Ad April 1963Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for this Scooter that was designed with women in mind. The picture shows this vehicle parked outside of a department store waiting for the lady wearing a light-colored suit and high heels who is walking towards it with a purchase in one hand and her purse in the other. The headline calls her a “Smart Shopper” and the text talks about the features which will deliver 225 miles to a gallon of gas yet still allow the vehicle to be purchased for $245. The text also mentions that “you meet the nicest people” when you drove a Honda which was intended to offset the “nasty” image that the riders of too many other motorcycles had.

Source:  April 26, 1963 Life magazine.