Honda Motorcycle Ad 1973


Honda Motorcycle Ad from May 7, 1973 Sports Illustrated.

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Honda Motorcycle Ad 1973Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 1/2″ ad for what having motorcycles, Honda motorcycles, can do for a family. The ad has a picture of an outdoor scene with two Honda motorcycles parked behind a father and son who sit talking near the back of a pickup truck. The ad headline claims this picture is an example of “What a motorcycle can mean to a boy. And to his father.”. The ad text goes into detail about how it helps the bonding process between the two males and sub-headlines are “A Son Learns”, “A Father Teaches” and Honda Helps”. The ad identifies one of the motorcycles in the picture as being a Honda XR-75.

Source:  May 7, 1973 Sports Illustrated.