Holland Furnace Company Ad 1938


Holland Furnace Company Ad from July 1938 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Holland Furnace Company Ad 1938Black and white 5″ x 11″ ad for the fact that you will get “No Dry Heat Destructiveness with a Holland Furnace. Just beneath this headline is a picture that shows the husband and wife standing together down in their basement. At the other end of the room is a sales-person from a company that sells this particular kind of furnace. He is saying “I’d almost say the humidifier alone is worth all the furnace cost – it makes us so much more comfortable”. The wife then turns towards her husband and responds “And it surely is a protection against colds”. At the bottom there is a headline that says “Famous Cascade Humidifier” which could be said of only a Holland Furnace. On the other side the headline is that it “Correctly Moistens Air” with the lower headline that says it is “To Safeguard Health – End Costly Property Damage – Increase Comfort”.

Source:  July 1938 Better Homes & Gardens.