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High Times Magazine 1988 February


High Times Magazine 1988 February


Contents:  The Last Defense of LSD (Was lysergic acid American youth’s greatest gift, or just a psychic can opener into Pandora’s Box?), Rhapsody in Pink (Exactly where did Pink Floyd get their name? What werre they like in the early days? Why have they become one of the most successful bands in the history of rock music? The answers to these, and many other questions, are answered by the legendary Mr. Kaye.), Maintenance Run (What happens when an unwanted, 700-pound bear invades you plantation?), Indoor Engineering (This writer’s grow rooms are so tightly organized they remind some visitors of a submarine. Learn how to increase yield by 100 percent without adding new equipment.), Mistress of the Perpetual Harvest (Angel never goes without fresh, green bud. Here’s how she does it.), Son of Crumb (Everyone knows the work of R. Crumb, creator of Mr. Natural, Fritz the Cat, Flakey Foont as well as his own bizarre semi-autographical, sexual misadventures. But no one suspected that he has an offspring who’s ready to become a legend in his own right.) Columns – Editors Note, Zoe, High Art (This month, boys and girls, Carlo’s secret word is Panter: scribble, Jimbo creater and Pee Wee set designer.), Ask Ed The Media Room – Psychotronic, The Tapeworm, Bookshelf, Go-Go-Girl (Deb Parker, New York City’s Psychedelic Scene Queen.), The Hounds Eye View, Top 100 (F.T.A. takes the charts by storm, with our very own Ed Rosenthal in hot pursuit of the top spot!) Departments – Letters, Highwitness News, Trans-High Market Quotations, Trans-High Market analysis Letters, Centerfold, Products, Classifieds, Bookstore

Issue:  February 1988

Condition:  Very Good