High Times Magazine 1986 June


High Times Magazine 1986 June

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Contents:  Punk: Genesis on the Bowery (The punk movement is currently celebrating its tenth year. Here’s how it all started.), Ayahuasca Tripping in Amazonia (In a scene right out of The Emerald Forest, this writer’adventurer travels to Peru and partakes of a powerful hallucinagenia in a Stone Age ritual.), How to Avoid a Pot Bust (Useful tips for some of out confused, drug-addicted readers.), Dutch Treats (Our cultivation expert tours the world’s most liberated country. See pot coffeehouses! Hear Dutch youth explain themselves! Read a history of cultural freedom by a Dutch Beat!), Acid Dreams (With their Zen-like sense of humor, the Diggers create mass confusion in Haight-Ashbury. The third installment of a four-part series.), Photo Contest (And the winner is…) Columns – Editor’s Note, Normlizer, Abuse Folio, Ask Ed, The Great Indoors, High 5ives, High Advisor Departments – Letters, Flashes, Highwitness News (Contaminated coke creates zombies from coast to coast; Ricky Nelson dies, but Coke rap won’t let his rep R.I.P.; DEA witness Barry Seal is offed; whodunnit.), Activists’ News / Reform Report, Trans-High Market Quotations, Readers’ Photo Contest, Products, Grow American, Classified, Case In Point, Legal Directory

Issue:  June 1986

Condition:  Very Good