Heublein Cocktails Ad November 1968


Heublein Cocktails Ad from November 1968 Playboy.

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Full color 8″ x 11″ ad that is for the 17 Heublein Cocktails that they were offering. This ad starts off with the word “Explore:” at the top of a picture showing two men wearing suits (and no shoes) and a woman wearing a formal dress standing on a deserted island. The island has a single palm tree on it as the three of them are looking forlornly out to the ocean for relief. They do have a number of Heublein crates, filled with everything that they made, and a surfboard or two. The text says “Discover the adventure that’s bottled up in every Heublein CocktailPineappley Mai-Tais, Breezy Daiquiris, Lush Apricot Sours, 17 uninhibited drinks in all. Each very strong in flavor because the finest liquor and bar mixings come right in the bottle. Nothing to squeeze, measure, mix or add. Just pour over ice”.

Source:  November 1968 Playboy.