Helene Curtis Ad October 1952


Helene Curtis Ad from October 1952 McCall’s.

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Helene Curtis Ad October 1952Black and white 5″ x 13″ ad for their Shampoo plus egg. There is a picture of a formally dressed lady who is resting her chin in her gloved hands under a headline that says you can “condition even ‘difficult’ hair to Glorious natural radiance!”. The text talks about the rich results you will receive from using this product and that the value of using egg on your hair is “Nature’s own beauty blessing known to generations of glamor-wise women”. The ad gives prices of 59 cents and $1.00 and mentions a Special Offer where, for the same price, a 2 or 4 oz Creme Rinse would be included.

Source:  October 1952 McCall’s.