Heinz Ad 1938 April


Heinz Ad from April 11, 1938 Life magazine.

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Heinz Ad 1938 AprilBlack and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Heinz Tomato Juice. This ad, that starts with the headline “The Morning Male”, has six photographs in it, beginning with the one that has a picture of a Mailman delivering mail to a diner and buying a glass of Heinz Tomato Juice. The caption begins by saying that “Every Male Man appreciates the special delivery of Heniz Tomato Juice in the morning”. Next, we see a mother pouring a glass of Heinz Tomato Juice from a pitcher she is holding in her hand into a glass her young son is holding. The caption here starts off with “Handle with care! Mothers who exercise caution in the selection of youngster’s foods find the Heniz ’57’ seal a source of great satisfaction”. Then we have a picture of the daily picking of tomatoes being done by the skilled crews. This caption begins “Morning route. Skilled pickers work their ways along rows of the world’s finest tomatoes at dawn – gathering for Heinz. Fourth, we see a picture showing just how dramatic a very special tomato really looks. This caption begins by saying “First class fruit – the Heinz ‘aristocrat’ tomato!”. Then, we see a man beginning his day by pouring himself a glass of tomato juice. This caption begins with “Post-haste to the golf course of a holiday morning, this seeker after health pauses at the refrigerator for a brimming glass of Heinz Tomato Juice. Lastly, we have a picture of a breakfast table with a glass of Heinz Tomato Juice sitting on a plate which is sitting on another plate. This caption begins by calling it the “First pick-up of the morning – a chilled tumbler of Tomato Juice by Heinz.

Source:  April 11, 1938 Life magazine.