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Healthbong 2 Ad 1979


Healthbong 2 Ad from February 1979 High Times.


Healthbong 2 Ad 1979Black and white 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for an item to help you stay Healthy while you are getting High. The headline claims that “Using your head – could save your lungs!” and the picture shows this ingenious apparatus. The text asks “What’s in Marijuana smoke anyhow?” and the information given is all worrisome. The next headline offers to explain “Why Healthbong is a genuine Health Product Innovation” and the text talks about the years of testing that have gone into this product.. Next we are told that “Smoke doesn’t get you high – THC does” and you are told that this machine will filter out much more of the worthless smoke. We are given a price of $34.95 and the specifications of the item before a coupon to allow you to order one to be delivered to your home or wherever else you choose to get high.

Source:  February 1979 High Times.