Half and Half Cigarettes Ad 1965


Half and Half Cigarettes Ad from August 1965 Playboy magazine.

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Half and Half Cigarettes Ad 1965Full color 7 3/4″ x 11″ ad that is for Half and Half Filter Cigarettes which is advertised as being Pipe Tobacco In A Filter Cigarette. The ad has a drawing of a pack of Half and Half sitting there with several cigarettes pulled out of the pack and the headline saying that you can “Enjoy a great new taste: pipe tobacco in a filter cigarette!”. The ad also claims that “You get pleasing aroma and a great new taste! The secret? This filter cigarette is packed with America’s best-tasting pipe tobacco – famous Half and Half! Smoke new Half and Half Filter Cigarettes. You’ll enjoy a cargo of full flavor and aroma”.

Source:  August 1965 Playboy magazine.