h.i.s. Men’s Clothing Ad 1965


h.i.s. Men’s Clothing Ad from August 1965 Playboy.

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h.i.s. Men’s Clothing Ad 1965Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for their Press-Free Swinger Slacks. There is a picture of a young man wearing a gray pair of these slacks and a yellow sports shirt topped of by the head of a bear or some other wild animal. The headline starts off by stating that “He was meek and mild” but “Then he latched on to h.i.s. Press-Free ‘Swingers’. The text explains that these “slacks go to a guy’s head like wild” and mentions being boldly tapered, cuffless with two scoop pockets and one dashing loop. The prices varied from $5.98 to $7.98 with a variety of colors and fabrics available.

Source:  August 1965 Playboy.