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Green Giant Ad 1957


Green Giant Ad from April 22, 1957 Life magazine.


Green Giant Ad 1957Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Niblets Fresh Corn. The ad has pictured an opened can with a red lightening bolt shooting through it as the headline announces “now! quick-cooked corn”. At the bottom of the ad is a four-frame drawing that shows a busy mother coming home from the grocery store with a bag filled with groceries, she opens a can of Niblets Fresh Corn and pours the contents into a waiting pan, next she brings a bowl of warmed-up corn to the table where her husband and young son look approvingly at it and the last picture shows the three of them happily spooning this product into their smiling mouths. The text explains that with vegetables the “less time you cook ’em, the fresher they look and taste – the better they nourish”. It mentions that a different new pressure cooker is responsible for the improvement and that it was available in two family sizes.

Source:  April 22, 1957 Life magazine.