Great Battles of the Civil War Magazine 1961


Great Battles of the Civil War Magazine 1961

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Contents:  Unready Armies in Early Battle (Sumter – Philippi – First Bull Run – Start of Blockade – Forts Henry and Donelson – Shiloh – Island No. 10 – New Orleans – Virginia and Monitor – Jackson’s Valley Attacks – Peninsula Campaign – Seven Days Battles – Cedar Mountain – Second Bull Run – 1962 Invasion – Antietam), Bitter Fighting to a Stand-Off (Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville – First Vicksburg Attack – Kentucky Invasion – Iuka – Corinth – Stones River – Grant’s Land Campaign – Porter’s Vicksburg Run – Grierson’s Raid – Vicksburg Siege – Fall of Port Hudson – Brandy Station – Invasion of 1863 – First Fights at Gettysburg), Union Triumphs East and West (Gettysburg 2nd Say – Little Round Top – Pickett’s Charge – Retreat by Lee – Vicksburg Surrender – Bragg’s Reinforcement – West Chickamauga Creek – Thomas’ Rear-guard Action – Opening of Chattanooga – Grant’s Promotion – Lookout Mountain – Missionary Ridge – Bragg’s Retreat), Final Struggle and Surrender (The Wilderness – Spotsylvania – The North Anna – Old Cold Harbor – James Crossing – Petersburg – The Crater – Early’s Shenandoah Valley Campaign – Battles for Atlanta – Sherman’s March – Hood’s Invasion of Tennessee – Fort Stedman – Five Forks – Surrender at Appomattox)

Issue:  1961

Condition:  Very Good