Graflex Camera Ad 1940


Graflex Camera Ad from May 20, 1940 Life magazine.

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Graflex Camera Ad 1940Black and white 5 1/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that wants you to buy a Graflex or a Speed Graphic Camera. The headline for this ad wants you to Prepare for Summer…Get a Graflex or Speed Graphic Now!”. It then claims that “Countless summer-time picture opportunities are just ahead. Decide right now to make the most of them by getting one of these American-made, Prize-Winning Cameras. Each is compact and sturdy – just right for carrying with you wherever you go. And each gives you versatility and performance to meet practically every picture-taking occasion. Graflex and Speed Graphic Cameras are available on convenient payments at your dealer’s. See him – and make your selection now”. There is one picture taken, it says that is was “Stopped with a Graflex by Harold M. Lambert” and it shows a little boy practicing skating with a pillow tied to his butt. And, at the moment, it seems that he needs it. There are three cameras available in the boxes under this picture. First, there is a National Graflex Finest of American-made miniature reflexes. “Just a Handful” – Compact – versatile – economical. Price, $87.50 Down payment (through your dealer) as little as $18″. The second one is a Miniature Speed Graphic. Smallest Speed Graphic ever built. 1 1/4 x 3 1/4 size. With American made Kodak Lens Seal; with American-made Bausch & Lamb Tessar Lens $116. Down payment (through your dealer) as little as $23″. The third camera shown is a 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 Series B Graflex. Possesses all recognized Graflex features including revolving back. Small, compact and efficient. Price $91. Down payment (through your Dealer) as little as $19″.

Source:  May 20, 1940 Life magazine.