Goodyear Tires Ad 1950


Goodyear Tires Ad from May 22, 1950 Life magazine.

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Goodyear Tires Ad 1950Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Super Cushion Tires. The ad has three pictures that are actually the same with different speech bubbles of three men playing golf at a very nice course. They are talking as they wait for the group ahead of them who seem to have only moved about 50 yards off the tee. The one man is asking the others what kind of low-pressure tires he should buy. The one man answers that car-makers are using Goodyear Super-Cushions and the other responds that “the public buys more Goodyear Super-Cushions too” so the answer to the question seems kind of simple. The ad claims that the reasons that these tires are so popular is “A softer Ride!, A Safer Ride!, Fewer Car Repairs!” and “More Mileage!”.

Source:  May 22, 1950 Life magazine.