Goodyear Tires Ad 1934


Goodyear Tires Ad from March 1934 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Goodyear Tires Ad 1934Black and white 7 1/2″ x 11 1/2″ ad for the new style of tires that is sweeping the nation, Tires with Air. The ad headline tells us that “The Public Wants Airwheels – Here’s Why!” and goes into detail documenting how the transition from solid to air tires was made. There are pictures with captions that describe when Airwheels were first used on Airplanes, Buses, Farm Equipment and when they became available as changeovers on cars and as original equipment. The ad includes an interesting array of Benefits and Features that drivers received when finally switching over to this style of tire.

Source:  March 1934 Better Homes & Gardens.