Goodyear Tires Ad 1911


Goodyear Tires Ad from May 1911 The World’s Work.

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Goodyear Tires Ad 1911Black and white 6 1/2″ x 9 3/4″ ad for their No-Rim-Cut Tires. The ad has a diagram that compares this new-style tire with the Ordinary Clincher Tires and shows how these new tires will prevent you from destroying your tires when you ride on them once they become flat. A lot of interesting information to be read in this ad including the fact that “64 leading motor car makers have contracted this year for Goodyear No-Rim-Cut Tires. This was in the beginning of the motor car era when it seemed like each state had a half dozen car makers.

Source:  May 1911 The World’s Work.