General Electric Mixer Ad September 1952


General Electric Mixer Ad from September 1952 McCall’s.

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General Electric Mixer Ad September 1952Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their new Triple-Whip Mixer. The ad has a picture of a kitchen done in green where a lady has been busy using her General Electric Triple-Whip Mixer for preparing enough baked goods to slow her family down for the weekend. The mixer has its head raised from a bowl of white frosting and the headline, at a loss for words, calls it “New! New! New! Better! Better! Better!”. The text mentions a price of $39.95 and talks about the New Beater-Release, having Greater Power, offering New Color Designs, with a Built-in Light, a Speed Selector and now coming with Three beaters

Source:  September 1952 McCall’s.