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Genasco Roofing Shingles Ad 1930


Genasco Roofing Shingles Ad from March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.


Genasco Roofing Shingles Ad 1930Full color 7 3/4″ x 11 1/2″ ad for their colorful Latite Shingles. The ad has a picture of a house roofed with red shingles with a colorful rainbow in the background. The ad headline urges you to “Modernize your home with a colorful Genasco roof!” and the ad mentions the colors available as being RedGreenBlue-BlackChinese RedSea-Green and Mix-Tone. The ad talks about the composition of this product and mentions the patented “key” that holds the shingles tight together when installed.

Source:  March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.