Gant Men’s Clothing Ad 1970


Gant Men’s Clothing Ad from April 1970 Playboy.

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Gant Men's Clothing Ad 1970Full color 7 3/4″ x 11″ ad that illustrates some of their Exciting Clothes. The ad has a picture of a well-groomed man sitting at a restaurant table with a very attentive woman. The man is wearing a shirt striped in shades of pink, red and white, with a bow tie in somewhat the same shades and a gray sports coat tossed over his shoulders. The headline says that “Some men can do anything…with great style.” The text mentions a few other things that a “stylish” man can do before giving general prices for the shirt and the tie. At the top of the page are three drawings illustrating the proper way for a man to hold his hands and to place his coat, for the proper effect.

Source:  April 1970 Playboy.