Friskies Dog Food Ad 1963


Friskies Dog Food Ad from January 25, 1963 Life magazine.

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Friskies Dog Food Ad 1963Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Canned Dog Food. The larger picture in the ad shows a bowl sitting on the floor partially filled with food and there is a female hand holding the spoon out and watching the dog food slip off into the bowl. The headline announces “Friskies with a new texture, Doesn’t Stick to the Spoon…shops up easily, tastes better too!” As proof of this statement there is a picture of a young Beagle eating from a bowl in the back yard. The text claims that the new process that is used in making this product is responsible for keeping more of the natural juices.

Source:  January 25, 1963 Life magazine.