Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad March 1939


Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad from March 27, 1939 Life magazine.

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Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad March 1939Black and white 10″ x 13″ ad that makes the announcement that Frigidaire and General Motors present the World’s first ‘Cold-Wall’ Refrigerator. Built on an Entirely New Principle!”. The top picture shows three women and a man comparing peas that have been kept in refrigerators for 7 days, one group in a normal refrigerator and the other group in the new “Cold-Wall” refrigerator from Frigidaire and as the ad says “Look at the amazing difference!”. There is a picture of one of these units, a drawing that purports to explain “How amazing “Cold-Wall” Principle works” and another picture that shows their Quickube Ice Trays. The text explains some of the ways that food keeps better and claims that you will be convinced within five minutes of seeing this unit in the store. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  March 27, 1939 Life magazine.