Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad 1972


Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad from August 18, 1972 Life magazine.

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Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad 1972Full color 10″ x 13″ ad that proudly refers to the long history and proven reliability of the Frigidaire Refrigerator. There is a picture of a crowded street early in the last century and a wood-sided Frigidaire is being unloaded and prepared to be hauled to the proper apartment. A policeman is watching intently as children and adults gather around to view this marvel. The headline claims that “In 1918 we made the only Frigidaire refrigerator. We still do.” The text talks about the company’s unhappiness with a refrigerator being referred to as a Frigidaire when it is someone else’s brand. They feel that they make the best product and claim that some of the early models are still in use.

Source:  August 18, 1972 Life magazine.