Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad 1938


Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad from July 1938 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Frigidaire Refrigerator Ad 1938Black and white 8″ x 11 1/2″ ad that states that the “Smartest Buyers Pick Frigidaire with new Silent Meter-Miser…and save more on Current…Food…Ice…Upkeep”. Really amazing that you advertise saving on Current. The ad continues by saying you can “Save all ways…or you may not save at all!”. The first picture has a man showing a couple items inside their refrigerator and indicates that you can make this purchase for “as little as two dimes a day”. Wow, that’s six dollars a month. There is a picture of a little girl standing in front of the open door of her family’s full refrigerator sampling from within. This is where they talk about the Meter-Miser, the item that “makes more cold, yet so simple that it saves up to 25% more on electricity”. It advertises several of the items they give you and shows the Frigidaire ice trays, the metal tins with the metal movable dividers for the ice.

Source:  July 1938 Better Homes & Gardens.