Frigidaire Electric Range Ad 1956


Frigidaire Electric Range Ad from April 30, 1956 Life magazine.

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Frigidaire Electric Range Ad 1956Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Electric Ranges. There is a picture of the top of a Model RL-70-rh Electric Range in Mayfair Pink where a tea kettle is steaming away and the headline says of the Frigidaire Ranges“It gets you off to a steaming start”. There is another view of this unit shown from the front and the caption mentions the colors that it was available in. The text talks about the speed in heating of this unit and claims that it disproves the old adage, “A watched pot never boils”. It also talks about the Heat-Minder which watches and controls the temperature and the Thermizer which is a multi-duty cooking unit.

Source:  April 30, 1956 Life magazine.