Franco-American Ad 1956 December


Franco-American Ad from December 17, 1956 Life magazine.

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Franco-American Ad 1956 DecemberFull color 9 3/4″ x 14″ ad that is for Franco-American Spaghetti with Meatballs. The ad has the words introducing the product, “New! Italian-Style Spaghetti with 6 Meatballs” and, then, on the left it has a drawing of an Italian restaurant worker holding up an oversized can of Franco-American Spaghetti with Meatballs and, on the right, there is a picture of a bowl full of a very delicious looking Spaghetti with Meatballs dinner. This is described as being “Superbo – This is our new thin-strand spaghetti with not 2, not 4, but 6 meatballs. Spicy and succulent. Beefy. And a sauce with an accent unmistakably Italian-style. Good solid nourishment for your family”. The ad has the words Franco-American written very solidly at the bottom of the ad.

Source:  December 17, 1956 Life magazine.