Ford Trucks Ad 1961


Ford Trucks Ad from February 10, 1961 Life magazine.

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Ford Trucks Ad 1961Ford Two-Ton Trucks – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that calls attention to the All New ’61 Ford “Big Six” 262 in. Engine. The ad shows a picture of a Blue Ford Truck stopped as the driver looks outside at one of these engines standing next to his truck. The ad claims they are “Certified – 8% better gas economy than Ford’s principal competitor in the two-ton field. Yours in America’s Toughest Two-Tonners!”. The text quickly mentions the fuel economy in these engines before mentioning other improvements in the Two-Ton Ford trucks but the box on the right side of the ad lists a lot of specific examples about what is built into these engines.

Source:  February 10, 1961 Life magazine.