Ford Torino Ad 1967


Ford Torino Ad from October 1967 Hot Rod.

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Torino GT Fastback – Full color 15″ x 10 1/2″ Two-Page ad for this stylish mid-sized car. The ad has a picture of a Brown Fastback that gives the illusion of being in a wind tunnel. The ad headline claims that Ford made it hard to tell at a glance which are the competition cars, and which are the road cars. This year Torino isn’t going to make it any easier!” The ad contains quite a list of specifications and options. These are two scanned views of a two-page ad. Both pages are small enough to fit onto my scanner bed so the entire ad is visible in the scanned view.

Source:  October 1967 Hot Rod.

Ford Torino Ad 1967Ford Torino Ad 1967 1