Ford Thunderbird Ad May 1959


Ford Thunderbird Ad from May 1959 National Geographic.

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Ford Thunderbird – Full color Two-Page 9 1/2″ x 9 1/2″ ad with a photo of a White Thunderbird Convertible with the top down to show off it’s Blue interior parked overlooking a hazy ocean scene. There is a happy couple leaning on the car enjoying the view. The ad headline calls the ’59 Thunderbird “This year’s outstanding success, too”.  These are two scanned views of a two-page ad for the 1959 Ford Thunderbird. The entire ad measures 9 1/4″ wide by 9 1/2″ tall. Both pages are small enough to fit onto my scanner bed so the entire ad is visible in the scanned view.

Source:  May 1959 National Geographic.

Ford Thunderbird Ad May 1959Ford Thunderbird Ad May 1959 1