Ford Pickup Trucks Ad November 1963


Ford Pickup Trucks Ad from November 8, 1963 & March 20, 1964 Life magazine.

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Ford Pickup Trucks Ad November 1963Ford Pickups – Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad with the claim that “Toughness and Comfort Ride Together”. We see a man driving his fully-laden Red Ford Pickup comfortably on a dirt road as the claim is made that they are “Built like the Big Trucks – with a Big Comfort Bonus”. Smaller pictures illustrate the “New ruggedness in all-welded cab” and the “New comfort in a Driverized Cab”. The text talks about a few more of the interesting features before mentioning the “100,000-mile demonstration of economy!”.

Source:  November 8, 1963 & March 20, 1964 Life magazine.