Ford Mustang Ad November 1964


Ford Mustang Ad from November 6, 1964 Life magazine.

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Ford Mustang Ad November 1964Ford Mustang Hardtop – Full color 9 1/2″ x 12″ ad that is trying to tell you just how much owning a Ford Mustang will change your life. The ad has a picture of a Cream-Colored Ford Mustang Hardtop that is parked on a dark pavement. Standing next to the car is a beautiful lady in a pink dress who is holding her pink shoes in her hands as she looks with joy at a man in a dark suit who is standing with his back to the camera. The ad text claims that “Two weeks ago this man was a bashful schoolteacher in a small mid-western city. Add Mustang. The ad claims that with the purchase of this car came three steady girlfriends as well as familiarity with the best headwaiter in town.

Source:  November 6, 1964 Life magazine.