Ford Mustang Ad March 1966


Ford Mustang Ad from March 25, 1966 Life magazine.

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Ford Mustang Ad March 1966Ford Mustang – Full color 9 1/2″ x 12′ ad that calls attention to the Gas Economy owners of this car were treated to. The ad has a photo of a young girl sitting in her new Dark Blue Mustang waving out the driver’s door. The ad headline reminds you, and her, “So you chose a Six for your Mustang! Congratulations. Now don’t forget to wave when you pass your gas station…(someday you might have a flat)”. The text talks about the “big, hot Six” and brags about this car not needing “unnecessary trips for routine maintenance (just about every 6000 miles or 6 months is enough.)”. It also mentions the items that come standard in the basic Mustang which they refer to as “dash plus savvy”.

Source:  March 25, 1966 Life magazine.