Ford Falcon Ad 1962 March


Ford Falcon Ad from March 9, 1962 Life magazine.

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Ford Falcon Ad 1962 MarchFord Falcon – Black and white 5 1/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the 1962 Ford Falcon. At the top of the ad is a four-frame cartoon for Peanuts but this one is entirely Snoopy. In the first frame he is lying on his back on top of his dog house and he is thinking “It’s happened. I’m no longer man’s best friend! I’ve been superseded by a car. Falcon has taken my place”. In the second frame, he has flipped over and is now lying on his belly and thinking “The way they’re selling, there’ll soon be more Falcons than dogs. I’m already beginning to feel unwanted”. In the third frame, he is standing at the side of his dog house, preparing to jump into his water bowl and he thinks “Well, I’ll show ’em. I’ll drown myself”. And, in the final frame, he is back lying on his back again, thinking “Just as soon as somebody fills my water dish!”. The text says “Look at it this way, Snoopy – happy people make the very best masters, and Falcon knows many ways to make people happy! Falcon’s improved engine makes them great gas economy – takes them 6,000 miles between oil changes, too. Falcon also offers comfortable room for 6 people – luggage and all. And it’s still America’s lowest priced 6-passenger car. Today, with over one million happy owners, Falcon is America’s favorite compact! For happiness – and a Falcon – see your Ford dealer”. Below this is a picture of a mother who has taken her two kids out on a snowy day to a frozen pond and she is trying to teach them to ice skate.

Source:  March 9, 1962 Life magazine.