Ford Ad June 1950


Ford Ad from June 5, 1950 Life magazine.

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Fords – Full color 10″ x 14″ ad that displays several models available in response to the question “What’s in it for you?”. At the top of the page, under the headline “For Mr.”, the text starts off with “Test Drive that new V-8 engine.” Next is the headline “For Mrs.” which starts off with “Test Drive those King Size Brakes”. We then have a picture that says “For Jr.” which begins with “Test Drive a Ford Convertible for fun”. Next we have “For Jr. Miss” which begins with the text “Test Drive a ’50 Ford for parking”. And last we have “For the Infantry” which starts off with “Test Drive a ’50 Ford for the “feel” of safety that can only come from a “Lifeguard” Body of heavy gauge steel combined with a rugged box-section frame.

Source:  June 5, 1950 Life magazine.