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Fly Fisherman Magazine 1978 Mid-Season


Fly Fisherman Magazine 1978 Mid-Season


Contents:  Columbia River Shad (Heavy water and strong fish in the Pacific Northwest); Minnesota’s Border Bass (Smallmouths in the North Woods of the Midwest); Washington County Smallmouths (Bronzebacks in the Down East State); The Russ Peak Loop Knot (Making the connection between line and leader); Backpack Your Fly Rod (Combining the sports of fly-fishing and backpacking); Ants (Now praise we the lowly ant); Better Bluegilling (Getting the most out of your panfish sport); Which Nymph When? (Selecting the proper nymph for selective trout); Streamside Hatch-Catchers (Making your own convenient fly catchers); The Skittering Pupa (Emerging caddis on the run); To Cast A Hex (Meeting and fishing the Hexagenia limbate hatch) Departments – Tight Lines (Letters from anglers); Anglish Spoken Here; Fly Fisherman’s Bookshelf; Back Casts (Answers from the experts); Fishing On Film; The Rod Rack (Building leaders); Tackle Bag (New products for anglers); The Fly Tiers Bench (Vermiculation); Birth Of An Ausable Wulff; Trout Flies Of Yesteryear; Making A Chap-Sticker; Fly Lines (Letters from tiers); The Stream Watchers Log (June to Mid-July); Casting About (Fly-Fishing Martha’s Vineyard); The Seasonable Angler (Metamorphosis)

Issue:  Mid-Season 1978

Condition:  Very Good